mercredi 30 mars 2016

A holiday well spent with smiling faces.
                Hello to all my supporters! I am so sorry that I have not written any blog for the past few weeks. I am getting ready for the national pageant and it has been a lot of work but I promise to communicate more in the next weeks. I spent my holidays in Haiti giving back to the community I grew up in. I knew a founder of a middle school back while living in Haiti. We connected to organize a party for the kids in our community and to give them a holiday gift as part of our traditions. We have a tradition of giving gifts to kids on January 1st as a way of rewarding them for behaving well during the previous year and to encourage them to continue to do so this new year. As I knew in my community, not every parent has the money to treat their children so it was my way of giving to the less fortunate. I met with them, offered them a meal, and talked to them about volunteerism, its benefits and the impact it creates in our community. I also distributed toys. The children were so happy. I was glad I was able to give them something they can play with as the New Year comes. They ate and drank happily as they were playing with their new toys. I went home with a promise of giving a lot of toys to the founder for his students for this year holidays. I am so happy that I was able to make at least one child happy. We all can share our blessings with our community. Let us stand to serve our community and help the underprivileged. Impact our community through volunteerism. Thank you for all your support. Now, what will you do for those who are not as blessed as you? Will you follow my lead? Let's all do something to improve our community.